Report abuse

Abusing behaviour

Calling people in order to sell them products, gathering information, or to add them as new members or clients is an abusive behaviour. There are strict laws on such activities or any telemarketing activities. Abusive behaviour represents a violation of terms. It is not allowed to use speakSIP service for marketing capmaigns or promotion, unless you are calling in response of a customer's call.


If you have received an unsolicited email from speakSIP or someone representing us, please inform us immediately. Forward received email, including the mail headers, to us. Indicate that this message is spam, and that you did not specifically request to receive such information from speakSIP.

Zero tolerance policy

We do not tolerate annoying calls or any form of spam from or to speakSIP entities.

Any member caught or reported of any form of abuse violating the terms of speakSIP service will be immediately disconnected. The service will be terminated, with no refund policy. The terminated account will lose all collected data immediately. 

In case you detect any suspicious activity (annoying calls, spam) or abusive behavior email us.